Taylor-Snowflake Fire to Get New Brush Truck
In their June meeting, Taylor Town Council approved the purchase of a brush firetruck and approved the increase of $150,000 to the Fire Department’s budget. The truck is being bought from a company called Fire Trucks Unlimited. The picture is from the website for Fire Trucks Unlimited which shows what a brush truck looks like. Brush Truck Link
The brush truck will be used to fight small grass fires and other types of outdoor fires.
The truck is anticipated to arrive in a few months. The Council approved the measure unanimously 6-0. Vice Mayor, Jason Brubaker, was not present. The Fire and Medical Department is part of the shared services agreement between Snowflake and Taylor. The Towns partner on certain services they offer their residents including fire, police, recreation, and library. The Towns pay proportionately for the costs of these services.
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