Taylor Continues to Improve Cemetery
The Town of Taylor continues to make improvements to the Reed Hatch Memorial Cemetery. In the Council meeting last Thursday, the Council approved two different measures. The two agenda items included additional money for the exterior fence project and approving a contract to pave the roadways within the cemetery.
First, the Council approved an additional $25,000 adjustment to the parks budget to complete the exterior fence project which has already begun. The fence will feature wrought iron within the concrete posts. The motion carried 5-0.
Next, the Council was again asked to approve cemetery improvement expenditures. The Town Council approved the agenda item to award a contract to Hatch Construction and increase the parks budget an additional $80,000 for a cemetery paving project. The project will improve the vehicle lanes within the cemetery that are not currently paved. This includes the southside expansion of the cemetery which currently has gravel roadways. It will also include paving the more recent western expansion which currently has a chip seal base. The entire roadway system within the cemetery will then be paved. No estimated timeline for completion was provided.